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Help us in our efforts…

We thank God for making all we do possible . Through His provision we are able to go where He says go , and do what He says do . God is the source for all of our needs , He owns the cattle on a thousand hills . All we are ,  and all we have belong to God.

If you haven’t noticed there are Christian Coffee Houses starting to come back, informal settings were you can openly talk about God, share your testimony, and pray for one another allowing the Holy Spirit to do His work. We just recently had the privilege to be the opening band at one of these much needed respites.

We’ve recently hooked up with a Ministry that will be opening doors into 8 new prison units for us. That’s what we do best; go into some of the toughest prisons in Texas, spread hope, and see lives change for the better.

We’re all volunteers, doing it on our own time; we don’t get paid and don’t ask. We have some great equipment. But to do this kind of travelling, we must be light, fast and powerful. That means we need to upgrade to some more modern and powerful gear.

God has instructed us to be generous in the same way that He has been generous to us to the point of giving His only Son’s life for us (John 3:16). He has given us all different resources (time, money, talents) and we are simply the managers He has appointed to steward His resources on His behalf (Ps 24:1).

With out hope people will just give up so we shamelessly ask you to consider helping us to spread light and hope in some very dark forgotten lives. Everything you give is tax deductible; you’ll receive a receipt and a giving statement from our NON-Profit Covering, Under the SON Outreach.  

For any gift over $100 we’ll put you down for a signed copy of any CD we release. We need to raise about 10k to take care of equipment needs, and then it will be time to buy the band a bus.